Destination Wealth Management |

Why So Much Volatility?

Why are the financial markets so troubled right now? It’s very simple; the markets are assuming higher unemployment, lower earnings

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Destination Wealth Management |

This Week’s Video Update

I thought it might be instructive to provide answers to questions that I am commonly asked during this unprecedented situation. I

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Destination Wealth Management |

The world seems a little uncertain nowadays, would you agree? The world is focused on the uncertainty related to the disease outbreak spreading throughout

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Destination Wealth Management |

As the unfortunate coronavirus continues to increase in severity, headlines scream that surely this is a cataclysmic economic event. According to reports

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Destination Wealth Management |

Equity markets continue to bounce higher despite domestic and global uncertainty. Impeachment resolution may have calmed nerves a bit (though Asia virus

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Destination Wealth Management |

The headlines in the United States have been describing the current situation in China related to the coronavirus outbreak. I have been asked by many of you

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Destination Wealth Management |

Why are the market so high? That’s a very good question. It seems irrational that markets are as high as they are now given all the uncertainty that we see

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Destination Wealth Management |

We live in a crazy world today where hackers and other dark forces attempt to steal and disrupt. It’s a never-ending race towards greater security and

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