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The Beginning of Reopening the Country

Everyone's goal is to get moving again towards something more normal. Its beginning this month across the country and world.

Disneyland Shanghai reopened this last week and demand was strong for tickets. Still, it's important to remember that the park only operated at a 25% limited occupancy level.


I would imagine that when restaurants open in the United States again, you will likely see restrictions on the number of people allowed for sit down meals. While a partial reopening is a positive, it is not anywhere near normal which means economic growth will be impacted for longer than some might hope.

However, we believe that a perspective that doom is certain on an economic basis is an overstatement of current conditions. Is it difficult right now? Yes. Will it take years (not months) for the economy to fully recover? Yes. But should we necessarily believe that the economy cannot recover, and that Americans are not resilient? Absolutely not. Recovery will occur over time.

Video Update

In this week's update, I thought it might be helpful to answer number of questions that I have received over the last week. In this video I share with you my thoughts on current conditions and expectations for the future. You can watch this week's video update here: 

P.S. We will start watering the orchid. ?

CNBC Discussion

I also appeared last night on CNBC Asia answering a number of their questions as well. In particular, please note that I remain cautious in perspective regarding how fast the country can reopen.  You can watch that appearance here:

May 10, 2020
CNBC- Coronavirus is a bigger market issue than the trade war: Destination Wealth’s Yoshikami

Recovery Will Take Time

We will recover from this virus pandemic; it will just take time. You will see the economy show signs of life beginning next quarter and that is why markets have been on an upward cycle. Don't look for full recovery this year but instead progress towards recovery. In our view, that's the realistic perspective.

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The opinions expressed herein are provided for informational purposes only and are not intended as investment advice. All investments involve risk, including loss of principal invested. Past performance does not guarantee future performance. Individual client accounts may vary. Although the information provided to you on this site is obtained or compiled from sources we believe to be reliable, Destination Wealth Management cannot and does not guarantee the accuracy, validity, timeliness or completeness of any information or data made available to you for any particular purpose. Any links to other websites are used at your own risk.